Fractional QA Pricing

QAComet offers seat-based pricing for a variety of QA services. Each seat represents 40 hours of work from one of our seasoned QA experts. You can always expand or shrink the number of seats as needed and there are no contracts.

Usability services

Usability reviews
UX debugging
Interview customers for problems
Interview customers with designs
Survey customers
Setup heatmaps & click tracking
Wireframing and prototyping
Chart user stories
Create user personae
Write usability reports
Book a call

Manual QA services

Find & report bugs
Write & execute manual test cases
Perform exploratory testing
Manual functional testing
Compatibility testing
Mobile app testing
Custom device testing
Manual performance testing

Test automation services

+ Includes all manual QA services
AI accelerated QA
E2E testing
Integration testing
Unit testing
API testing - GraphQL, REST, SOAP
Mobile app testing
Integrating tests with CI system
Creating CI test suite
Create test environments
Performance testing
Stress testing
Book a call

Management services

Identify base testing strategy
Establish agile QA workflows
Reduce bugs entering production
Reduce churn
Book a call

Looking for a usability report?

20 Pages
Deep dive into your product
Discover areas needing polish
We find workflow flaws
Every extra 10 pages is $399
Typically 1-2 week turnaround time